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The name of your web site is almost as important as the content that you put on it. As shallow as it might seem, people often judge a site based on its name before even typing it into their browser. It could be the reason why so many seemingly random names like Amazon, Google, and Yahoo are so successful: they're neutral in a sense and don't put people off automatically. When you type those kinds of names into your browser, you're going to be visiting their sites with a blank slate. But you also might want to associate your site with a certain product. For example, if you're selling the "Ultrasuper Keyboard" you might want to reserve the "" domain name. You have to choose your name carefully, but at the same time you have to make sure it's available first. If it's not, here are a couple strategies you can try.
A Couple of Strategies to Get the Desired Domain Name
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1. Try changing the extension. Although the ".com" extension is the most highly sought after, there are a few others that could make sense for you too. The two most popular domain name extension alternatives are ".net" and ".org" but ".biz", ".info" and ".co" are also available. Although ".net" was originally meant for internet service providers and ".org" was originally meant for non-profit organizations, both currently have no restrictions on who can sign up for them. Even if you can register the ".com" variant, you should definitely consider registering the others too so that the competition can't buy them out later and try to use them against you.
Baca Juga
Free Internet Domain Names - Do They Exist?
Avoid Registering Domain Names Like This When Flipping Websites
Young Domain Names Can Attain Top Search Engine Rankings Too
2. Try adding dashes to your domain name if it makes sense. This strategy only works if you the name you want normally has a few spaces in it because dashes do best when they substitute for spaces. Using the example mentioned earlier, "" can be modified to be "" and it would still make sense. Be careful about using dashes though. Since it is not a standard letter that's easy to type, there is the possibility that a user will enter it in wrong. There's also the possibility they'll forget to enter it at all. But if you really must have that name and you don't want to change the extension, this is a viable strategy.
Get the domain name you want anyway. If you just can't settle for anything but the original name you had in mind, get ready to pay a pretty penny for it. Determine what the name is worth to you and offer it to the current owner of it. First, head to a registry site and use the WHOIS service to get the contact information of the owner. Then with that information, you can establish communication. To get a rough idea of what to expect beforehand though, type the domain name into your browser and see if the location is hosting a full-fledged site. If is, expect to pay a premium for that name. If it isn't, you might be able to get it for cheap.